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  • Due to several problems with connecting and using Microsoft accounts ( / Exchange Online), we rewrote the auth token handling to use the same reliable mechanism ChronoLink uses for Google accounts.

To migrate and reactivate your settings, follow these steps: 1. Log in once using each of the Microsoft logins you have in your ChronoLink account. 2. For each Microsoft access, click the refresh (🔁) button, then select the correct account and re-authorize ChronoLink.

If you don't see those refresh buttons, clear your browser cache or reload the page by pressing Ctrl F5.

⚠️ Warning: Do not delete the Microsoft access. This would delete all associated connections.


  • As a side effect of recent changes, the UI will show the Add access to '' buttons for Google accounts even if you already added that access. Clicking the button and re-authorizing ChronoLink will update our records and make the button go away.
    • Note that this is harmless and does not affect other functionality.