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  • Connections using Microsoft calendars as sink and/or source no longer fail randomly with Microsoft Graph returning the cryptic error code "UnknownError" to ChronoLink. Working with several beta testers and a developer support engineer from Microsoft, we were able to pinpoint and then fix the issue.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes resulted in connection runs being queued for hours without getting their turn.


  • Minor UI improvements on the configuration page. If you don't see them, clear your browser cache!
    • Connections that failed their last run now use ⚠️ as a status icon instead of the ambiguous ⚡.
    • As the "Automatic" trigger is not implemented in the backend yet, the corresponding checkbox was removed for now to avoid confusion.
    • Streamline the UI by replacing the term "Short ID" with "ID". Most users will only ever encounter short IDs, so the old term could cause confusion.