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  • When users try ChronoLink for the first time, we want them to see the results of a synchronization connection as quickly as possible. To achieve this, we are reducing the default synchronization time frame:
    • For new accounts, events dated more than 14 days prior to the signup date will no longer be synchronized.
      • Users who are interested in historic data can contact support to change this.
      • Existing accounts continue to synchronize all events starting January 2021 (unless the connection settings include a daterange condition with a later start value).
    • Connections now have a setting that specifies how far ahead they should synchronize. The default value is "2 weeks ahead".
      • Existing connections were set to "3 months ahead", which is identical to previous ChronoLink behavior.


  • Non-meeting events created in the desktop version of Microsoft Outlook are now synchronized properly.
    • Previously, ChronoLink skipped those events because it mistook them for meeting invitations without a response by the calendar owner.