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  • Added the relativerange condition to select events based on the current time.
    • For example, this allows restricting synchronization to "current week", to "events remaining today" or to "the last 12 hours plus the next 24 hours". This way, synchronized events in the target calendar that are no longer in that time frame will be deleted automatically.
    • Combined with the if transformer, it could also be used to remove sensitive details from events until they have passed, or to highlight events that are currently running (e.g. add a ⭐ to the title and/or set a special color).
    • This complements various existing options related to date and time, such as:
      • The daterange condition where you set specific start/end dates
      • The time condition for day-of-week and time-of-day rules like "Wednesday between 9 and 12"
      • The duration condition which matches events of a certain (minimum/maximum) duration
      • The connection-level setting for synchronization time frame with predefined options like today, 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and so on