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Data mapping details

When creating events, ChronoLink copies specific fields from the source event. Others can be checked using conditions or altered using transformers. This page lists all relevant fields, grouped by what you can do with them.

Copied from source event
The following data is copied and available to conditions and transformers:
  • Title
  • Description
  • Location
  • Start date/time
  • End date/time
  • Status (see details below)
  • Visibility (see details below)

Available for conditions
The following data is not copied, but can be used for conditions:

Customization of target events
The following aspects of the target event can be customized, but are not copied from the source event:

The following data is not available for conditions or transformers:
  • Recurring event schedule
    • ChronoLink treats each event of a series as an individual event. Therefore, exceptions such as moving an event, editing or cancelling it will always show up in the target system correctly.
    • The target system will not have any information on the recurrence rules, which means it cannot mess up things by continuing an event series independently and/or in a way that conflicts with the source system.
  • Meeting attendees and their responses
    • We plan to add conditions and transformers that allow making use of this data, but still the target event will not have meeting attendees.


Value Google Microsoft Account Exchange Server
Event does not block time on the owner's calendar.
Converted to BUSY.
Converted to BUSY.
A regular event; the owner is shown as unavailable for invitations.
(Google Workspace1)
Converted to BUSY.
Value Google iCalendar Microsoft iCalendar Other systems
Event does not block time on the owner's calendar.

A regular event; the owner is shown as unavailable for invitations.

Compatibility note

Jira worklogs do not distinguish between different types. Therefore, when using a Jira source, the target events use the BUSY status by default.

You can use the statuschange transformer to alter this behavior.

Compatibility note

Clockodo time entries do not distinguish between different types. Therefore, when using a Clockodo source, the target events use the BUSY status by default.

You can use the statuschange transformer to alter this behavior.


Value Google Microsoft Account Exchange Server
Only calendar owner and people with read access to the calendar can see details.

Converted to
Marked as personal.

Converted to
Marked as confidential.

Converted to
Marked as private.
No visibility specified. The event uses the default setting of the containing calendar.

Converted to
Marked as public; others can see details even if the calendar usually does not reveal details.

Converted to
Value Google iCalendar Microsoft iCalendar Other systems
Only calendar owner and people with read access to the calendar can see details.
Marked as personal.
Marked as confidential.
Marked as private.

No visibility specified. The event uses the default setting of the containing calendar.
Marked as public; others can see details even if the calendar usually does not reveal details.

Compatibility note

While Jira worklogs do have different visibility settings, that concept cannot be mapped to standard calendar visibility values. Therefore, when using a Jira source, the target events use the UNSPECIFIED visibility by default.

You can use the visibilitychange transformer to alter this behavior.

Compatibility note

Clockodo time entries do not have different visibility settings. Therefore, when using a Clockodo source, the target events use the UNSPECIFIED visibility by default.

You can use the visibilitychange transformer to alter this behavior.

  1. Google offers "Out of Office" functionality only for Google Workspace accounts and only in the primary calendar. When writing events to a non-Workspace account or to secondary calendars, ChronoLink therefore converts OUT_OF_OFFICE to BUSY

  2. When reading iCalendar sources, ChronoLink follows the official standard and applies some additional heuristics. However, it is not guaranteed that the originating system also follows the standard, or even that it includes the relevant data at all. Therefore, the best way to find out is to simply try adding the iCalendar source to ChronoLink. If it doesn't work, contact ChronoLink support - we may be able to help.