Getting started¶
1. Sign up¶
Please navigate to and log in using a Google or Microsoft account. A ChronoLink account is created automatically and your browser displays the ChronoLink settings page.
2. Link additional Google or Microsoft Accounts optional¶
By signing up using a Google or Microsoft account, you have already linked that account to your new ChronoLink account. If you want to synchronize calendars to or from other accounts, you need to add them, as well.
To do this, click the
or buttons in the Linked Accounts section of the ChronoLink settings page. Then, select or enter the desired account and follow the displayed instructions. Repeat this for every additional Google/Microsoft account you need.3. Add Calendar Access¶
Now you need to authorize ChronoLink to access your calendars:
In the Linked Accounts section of the settings page, locate the row for the respective account, click the
button and then choose . You will be redirected and the respective system asks for confirmation.After you have granted access, you should be back on the ChronoLink settings page.
4. Create Connections¶
For each connection, choose a Source and a Target, then check the Manual and/or Scheduled trigger. During the beta, scheduled connections run roughly every 4 minutes.
For simple use cases, you don't need to enter Conditions or Transformers (which default to []
), but these two fields are the core of ChronoLink's flexibility and power. Therefore, it is recommended that you read the Examples to get an idea of what ChronoLink can do for you. Then, if you want to dive deeper, read the Reference.
Multiple connections
Do not configure two or more connections that write to the same Microsoft calendar. Each time one of those connections runs, it would delete all events written by the other connection(s).
Work on lifting this limitation is currently underway; for Google calendars, that work was already completed.
5. Get Support¶
Please don't hesitate to contact if you need explanations or advice, or have questions or comments.
Feedback welcome
We are eagerly awaiting your feedback, good or bad, and will do what we can to help you make use of ChronoLink!